It was 5 days of awesome - selling cd's, interacting with our fans, and meeting tons of new ones who thankfully made the effort to come by and tell us how much they liked the album after buying it online! We saw some con goers turned fans from San Fransisco from February who actually brought us gifts, some folks who have been graciously spreading the word in Canada for the past few months, and even a fan named Mario who came all the way from Mexico City to say hi to one of his favorite bands. WOW. All the fans who came by who enjoy KK and share that enthusiasm with us are so fun and amazing that we try to cherish every moment while we're there. It's a great feeling!
As you know from following us on Twitter (you do follow @kirbykrackle, right?), we love using it. We did some next level stuff and did daily Twitter contests. Each day we would post a first-come first-serve contest on our page when the show floor opened offering the winner their choice of a free shirt or album once the task was completed. One day, it was to sing the Mario Brothers theme song at the top of your lungs, and the other was to sing "Naked Wii" while slow dancing with Jim like in the video below. Katie and her boyfriend Aaron were great to meet and were good sports letting us film it to post online (Part of the deal)! It was so fun, and to the few people who accused us of maliciously abusing our fans via the contest? TOTALLY.
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