(Mic check one two one two...check one...two. We on? Ok...)
Hey! First off, the deadline has come and gone for the "Name Yourselves!" contest that was running up until last week. Who's the winner? Well, given that we love being annoying we can't tell you until next week! We know, we know...but the lucky winner gets a signed CD and poster of the band so like we said, we'll announce next week. We cool? Great!
On to this weekend! And what is that you ask? Well...EMERALD CITY COMIC CON!
That's right, this week we'll be tearing open the albums and prepping the listening stations for our first convention appearance on our home turf. The time is right, the moon is aligned, and KK will be marking the show with it's first "Full Band" appearance on Sunday at the con in panel room #400 at the ripe time of 12:30pm! The amps will roar, the bass will thud and it will be first time anyone will have their ears ringing due to a song about "Genoshan Girls". A moment of silence for the 16 million dead please....
We're psyched beyond belief to meet our hometown fans and ECCC will also mark the first time we are offering KK shirts! Want to show your love of KK outside of shoving earphones on stranger's heads on the sidewalk? Now you can with the brand new design based off of JIM MAHFOOD's "KK signal light" on the back of our album. They're looking good and more importantly...you're going to be looking good. To take it further, it's "look good than feel good". Thanks Hans and Franz.
So, see you this weekend at the EMERALD CITY COMIC CON! Come stop by our booth, say hi, and bring your closest friends to the concert on Sunday! You've never been "Geek Rocked" like this...
Love you long time,
Kyle and Jim
In For A Penny
1 week ago
1 comment:
Word ya'll.
You know I'll be there!
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