NYCC was the convention circuit and industry debut for KK after we had our CD Release in Seattle where Kyle performed the album's full-band arrangements in a stripped down acoustic setting at the shop Jim co-owns, THE COMIC STOP.
In a nutshell, the con was a blast and NYCC greeted us with open arms. We had the opportunity to stop by MARVEL and unload a backpack's worth of albums to in-house artists, writers, and staff including Editor-in-Chief Joe Quesada. He had gotten a hold of some advance MP3's before the album was fully complete and loved what he heard so we were more than happy to take him the final product. Kind enough to help out a band from Seattle who writes about his company's characters, Quesada pimped KK that afternoon on his TWITTER blog which resulted in many con-goers approaching us that weekend excited to pick up the album. We also met the fine folks that run Marvel.com! Completely AWESOME. For an annoyingly detailed recap of the con, check Kyle's individual blog at www.kylestevensmusic.blogspot.com
You've been warned...

Enjoy the pictures, and please help pass the word about KK! Besides selling our album on our Official Site (www.kirbykracklemusic.com), we are now available for download on iTunes, Digstation, and CD Baby.
Next stop on the KIRBY KRACKLE train will be WONDER-CON in San Francisco! We'll be there all three days and hope to be performing during our stay as well so make sure you check back before the con to get the details...
Keep it real mang,
Jim and Kyle
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1 comment:
Sweet! Got you added over on Untitled, too.
Keep Kracklin'!
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