The convention season flew by! We met a lot of amazing fans, did some super fun stuff and got to hang with our favorite creators in the process. Just when we unpacked our bags for more than 2 weeks...we see SAN DIEGO COMIC CON on the horizon less than 2 months away...
Whoo Hoo!
We're cranking up the machine in anticipation of making it our most fun/successful con yet with some really fun stuff in the works that we think you're gonna love. What kinda stuff exactly?
How about a Summer single? :)
Though the album came out just 6 months ago, we've been getting a lot of emails/requests for more music. It feels great to hear that people want more KK, and we've been saying in podcasts and online interviews that the plan is to have a new album out at the beginning of the year and the start of the 2010 convention season. A month ago we were in the studio throwing around new song ideas to see what stuck to the wall (noodles not done yet) and one really rang as something we wanted to put out right away. It couldn't wait till January!
So, we thought it would be really cool as a thank you to the fans (that's KRACKLEHEADS to you) to release a summer single...and give it away for free! The single that's not to be named (yet) drops on TUESDAY, JUNE 30TH and the only way to get it is to sign up on our email list via www.kirbykracklemusic.com!

What if I follow KK on Twitter/Myspace/Facebook?
Too bad so sad, the only way to get it is to sign up on our email list! Cool? Cool!
We hope the new song proves to be your favorite KK song yet, and we think there's a good chance it will. We'll announce the name and the subject of the song in a few weeks!
In other news, we had a blast at the few Seattle shows we played in Seattle in May and they gave us an opportunity to try to covert non-comic music fans outside of the con circuit to the notion of geek rock. Many people came up to us and said though they didn't know anything about comics/video games...they were down! That was great to experience and leads us to our wanting to do more shows on the road with the following in mind...
Do you have a concentration of KRACKLEHEADS in your area? Are you into the idea of helping set up a show at your local comic shop? Let us know! We want to come and play where the fans are so please, if you want a KK show in your area (no matter where) cluing us in to the location of the geek-tribes would rule...thanks!

If you want find out what we're up do in-between blog entries you can follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/kirbykrackle where we're pretty active in sharing what we think will be fun to hear about and general internet nonsense. Nonsense we say!

Some great articles/podcast are in the works, and last night we did an podcast interview with Chuck and Eric from COMIC RELATED which will be posted soon! Until that's posted, check out our talk with writer Liam Bradley here.
Tonight, we have a photo shoot on a downtown roof for a magazine article where we were requested to "wear capes"...
It's a good time to be alive! :)

Kyle and Jim
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