Wow, what a traveling year it's been! We just got back from New York Comic Con and our 10th/last con of the year. We had so much fun meeting everyone along the tour and we felt loved and supported in every city. THANK YOU for making the 2010 convention season one of the best times of our lives. Just because we're done with the convention season doesn't mean we're not creating more awesomeness for all the Krackleheads around the world so stay tuned for very cool stuff in the near future! Till then, thanks for keeping on spreading the word about KK and check out our NYCC trip recap via the medium that enables us to do what we do in the first place! Enjoy!
KIRBY KRACKLE is a nerd rock band from Seattle, WA. Their self-titled debut album (named one of the Best Albums of 2009 by Tuscon Weekly) has been featured on television, radio, magazines and on dozens of websites. Their sophomore album is titled E FOR EVERYONE.