Wow, a lot of time has passed since we updated the blog before we went to NYC. Hmmmm...let's see. We went back to New York to play a few shows and to meet with some Marvel folks about some cool stuff coming down the pipe in KK land and can't wait till we can share what we're talking about! Kyle came down with Strep Throat and a 103 degree temp 4 days before the trip. We almost scrapped the whole thing but ended up braving it and went anyways. Kyle sang the first show at Jim Hanley's Comic Universe and the next morning after singing on already strained and destroyed swollen vox cords due to the Strep had to lip sync the next night...cause he could barely talk. That was a first, and hopefully last time for that but the folks at COMIC BOOK JONES made us feel like conquering heroes with a fully catered night and great energy that makes us spread the word about the store anytime we talk with folks in the comic world.
After the NYC trip weekend, we had a couple of days off to rest and get Kyle's voice back before heading off to the CALGARY EXPO for a few days with our neighbors to the north and an excellent convention weekend. After the expo we headed up on a bus to Banff for a few days with fellow artists that included Ron Marz, Mark Brooks and Mike Choi (X-Men) and Gears of War 2 writer Josh Ortega. We had a blast and now we're home resting after our crazy month of conventions and trips!
Next up is a few shows in the Seattle area after many requests at the Emerald City Comic Con for some local shows ASAP! We'll be playing both shows full-band with the first being at the University Street Fair in Seattle on Sunday May 17th for an outdoor slot at 10:30am. There's no ticket fee, so come one come all and let's show them how geeks rock out! A few nights later we'll be at TOST in Seattle's Fremont area on the 19th for a 10:00pm show that marks the first club gig for KK.
The shows are gonna be a total blast and we hope to see you all there!
For more detailed accounts of the trips, check Kyle's blog at
www.kylestevensmusic.blogspot.com, or by clicking the links below to get to the exact postings of KK action...
NYC Trip Calgary Trip Thanks for supporting KK and enjoy the pictures!
Kyle and Jim